Human Rights Watch’s Submission to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Concerning the Treatment of Imprisoned Women in Japan
Concerning the Treatment of Imprisoned Women in Japan
Hakamata Case Highlights ‘Hostage Justice,’ Death Penalty, and Failed Retrial Law
Peace Prize Affirms Humanitarian Disarmament Approach
Beijing’s Transnational Repression Hinges on Threats Against Families in China
Newspaper Ad Marks International Wrongful Conviction Day
Phnom Penh’s Crackdown on Critics Abroad Threatens Freedom of Expression
First International Day of Play Highlights Essential Importance for Children
This is a Pivotal Year for Tokyo to Show Leadership as it Sits on Key UN Bodies
Tokyo Should Suspend Payments, Impose Targeted Sanctions
Crown Prince Visit an Opportunity to Publicly Address Serious Abuses
Compulsory Sterilization Removed, but Lawmakers Should Reject all Onerous Requirements
Expanded Incentives for Foster Families Take Effect
Government Should Further Expand Prohibition on Restraining Pregnant People
Tokyo Should Enact Human Rights Laws to Counter Beijing’s Repression