Mozambique: Security Force Crackdown Kills, Injures Children
Police Detain Hundreds Without Notifying Their Parents
Police Detain Hundreds Without Notifying Their Parents
Investigate Excessive Use of Force during Post-Election Protests
Investigate Security Forces’ Use of Tear Gas, Gunfire
Restore Full Access to Internet, Social Media Platforms
At Least 11 People Killed; Dozens Seriously Injured
Authorities Should Respond to Demonstrations by Respecting Rights
Police Commit Widespread Harassment, Assaults, Arbitrary Detention
New Report Shows Fewer Attacks, but Increasing Military Use of Schools
Islamist Armed Group Deploys Boys as Young as 13 in Attack on Macomia
Ensure Security, Adequate Assistance for Displaced People
Instruct Educators on Obligations, Improve Reproductive Health Services
At Least 3 Killed in Post Municipal Election Demonstrations
Authorities Need to Ensure Accountability, Protect Candidates' and Voters' Rights
Publish Results of Announced Investigation; Provide Redress to Victims